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Gathering Baseline Data

Gathering demographic and baseline data at the outset of a program allows you to compare it with data gathered afterward, to improve accountability, track changes and see what is working. The tools in this section collect participants’ contact information, self-identified learning needs, demographic information and “pre-assessment” financial literacy related data. They can be used in conjunction with the tools in the Tracking Outcomes section.

Consent and Release

  • Provides a signed, legal agreement that protects participants who share their personal information.
When to use it: 
  • Organizations that collect personal information (including names and addresses) are obligated by law to use a consent and release form*.  

* Please refer to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s recent changes to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA):

Intake Registration

  • Captures participants’ contact information and their self-identified learning needs and wants.
When to use it: 
  • If you do not already have a generic registration form for participants, you can use this tool to capture basic contact information.  

Demographics and Pre-assessment

  • Collects demographic information as well as data on participants’ money-related habits, skills and attitudes, and their financial situation before the course, to help document changes.
When to use it: 
  • When you want to track participants’ progress before and after a course and create a baseline for longer-term research.